What doesn't exist anywhere yet (except for in your brain)?

And how can you turn it into a career?

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What’s your element?

What are you passionate about?

What are you good at?

Find where that line converges, and there is YOUR element, according to the outstanding book by Ken Robinson.

In other words, whatever you’re passionate about + good at is a great career option. You’ll stay interested, and you’ll rock it.

But I’m going to take this idea a step further for the digital nomad hopefuls in the world.

What are you passionate about? What are you good at? And, what allows you freedom? 

For example, you may love teeth (weird passion, but okay) and have an excellent eye for spotting cavities (clearly, I don’t know how dentistry works, but you get the idea).

But if you settle on dentistry, you’re confined to an office and only have 2-3 weeks off a year.

This makes me think of Keiran Drew.

You may have heard of him because he’s kind of a big deal.

He started a career out as…you guessed it—a dentist. He was good at it. He was making money. But he hated every second of it.

What he wanted was freedom. He talks about this all the time on Twitter.

So he pivoted. He quit dentistry, learned how to write online, and makes loads of money writing.

He’s brilliant, happy, and free.

So, what are you passionate about, good at, and what allows you freedom?

Maybe you'd like to be a freelance writer (like me)? Or a remote travel agent! How about a graphic designer?

The world is your oyster, and there are gobs of remote jobs that can support you while you travel.

But if you scanned those jobs, it’s possible none of them are quite YOUR ELEMENT. 

So, let’s add one more layer to the equation:

  • What are you passionate about?

  • What are you good at?

  • What gives you freedom? 

  • And, what doesn’t exist yet that you can bring to the world?

Let’s look at some examples to show you what I mean, starting with my friend Erica Schneider.

Erica is a world-class content marketer, editor, and writer. I mean—the best it gets.

She had a successful career as a Head of Content and an online editing coach/course creator.

But, it wasn’t quite “her element.” So, she put her head down and created something totally new:

Content sparring.

Have you heard of it? If you’re in content, yes. If not, no, you haven’t. Because it’s new. It’s Erica’s. And content marketers are going BONKERS for it.

Then, we have my friend, Samantha Anderl. 

She started as a freelance writer and then realized that there were no good project management tools for freelancers. So, she made Harlow.

But she didn’t stop there. She also realized that job boards aren’t typically geared toward freelance content creators. So she made that, too.

We also have Justin Moore. 

He’s a sponsorship coach—again, not a thing. Only it is. And he’s a joy to watch and probably a millionaire or something. (If you’re an influencer, follow this man. He will make you money.)

Speaking of influencers…If you’ve been on TikTok, you may have seen my friend, Cara West

Oh my heck, you guys. She’s amazing. And she’s making a living teaching people how to leave the United States

Is a Leave The United States Teacher a job? Not really. But it’s Cara’s job. She provides a unique and beautiful life perspective, supports her family, travels the world—and teaches others how to do it along the way.

Also: Buy her book. It’s only $7.

Then, there’s my friend Chris, who created an entire band: The Strike

They are so good (listen).

It also makes me think of myself! Go Ashley, go! 

I’ve built a freelance writing career + content marketing agency that provides full-time income with part-time work. I’m good at it. I love it. The freedom is there. I love creating new things that help people (like this newsletter) that didn’t exist before me.

Long story short: It’s possible. The world needs whatever you want to give it. Give it a whirl. Create the thing you love that will give you the freedom to be a digital nomad.


P.S. You may not see me in your inbox the next few weeks. I’m having wrist surgery, and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to write. Maybe I’ll make a video instead? Thoughts?

Featured Location: Azure Palm Hot Springs Resort & Spa

Azure Palm Hot Springs Resort & Spa

Once, I went to Palm Springs and spent like 3 days straight in this hot spring tub:

And, I would recommend you do too.

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